I’m at a stage in my life where cost-effectiveness is everything to me. If it’s not on sale, I don’t want it. That’s been my slogan since I was thirteen years old and I got my first babysitting job. I’ve always been cautious about my spending, since I grew up understanding that money is an […]
Category: Thought Leadership
Get Started: Your Personal Finance Journey
Personal finances are intimidating. Especially when you have no idea what you’re doing. I’ve acquired a lot of knowledge about personal finance over the years because I find it incredibly fascinating, and I want to set myself up for success. As of right now, I don’t quite have the means to put it in motion […]
Effective Goal Setting: Using SMART Goals
Goal setting is key to our success. We all know that setting goals is important. In the United States, it’s emphasized in our education from the day that we start kindergarten. Goal setting is crucial in many areas of our lives, but it is especially important in personal finance. It is the only real way […]
3 Great Ways to Create and Maintain Budgets!
Welcome to the first ever Belle In Full Bloom Q & A blog! I am so excited to kick off this series and create a space for learning and growth. The question of this week revolves around how to create and maintain a budget! It is as follows: What are some mediums for budgeting? Is […]